Information about the XV Science and Practice Conference of Rospatent
On October 26-27, 2011 the XV Science and Practice Conference organized by the Federal Service of Intellectual Property (Rospatent) was held in Moscow.
The Conference was participated by the representatives of:
International Organizations (WIPO, EPO, EAPO),
Governmental Organizations,
Nongovernmental Organizations and Associations,
Higher Educational Institutions and Research Institute,
Industrial Organizations,
Administrative and Management Structures, Information Centers and other organizations in some regions of the Russian Federation.
The Director General of Rospatent Dr. Boris Simonov
The representatives of legal and commercial organizations, as well as patent attorneys of the RF were widely presented at the Conference.
The great number of directors and specialists of central office of Rospatent, Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS), Russian State Academy of Industrial Property (RGAIS) participated in the Conference.
Approximately 280 people, in particular from the non-CIS countries - 8, from the CIS countries - 5, the number of the Russian regions representatives - 33 participated in the Conference.
Two plenary sessions were held in the Conference, as well as there were organized the following 5 sections:
Legal protection of patent rights and its importance in the innovative development of the country
Legal protection of means of individualization
Management of the state rights on the results of intellectual property by the appropriations of the federal budget
Information support of innovation and its importance in the development of the country
Use and assignment of the results of the science and technology activity
The keynote at the Conference was the officers of Rospatent:
M. V. Zhamojdik, O. V. Dobrynin, A. Ju. Jakovlev, A. B. Krysanov; on the part of FIPS: O. L. Alekseeva, A. L. Zhuravlev, E. A. Utkina, N. V. Lozhkina, F. G. Vostrikov, V. I. Amelkina, A. V. Barbashin, S. A. Gorlenko, D. V. Bykov, A. A. Razumova, A. A. Robinov, A. E. Sychev , O. A. Matjushchenko, N. P. Shepelev, Yu. G. Smirnov; on the part of RGAIS: I. A. Bliznets, V. Ya. Motyleva, I. S. Mukhamedshin, V. I. Mukhopad, E. V. Koroleva, L. P. Fatkina, O. V. Revinsky.
The representatives from the governmental organizations and specialists from nongovernmental organizations and associations of the Russian Federations made reports as well:
A. Czajkowski, WIPO
M. V. Jakovleva (Federation Council Committee on Education and Science of the Federal Assembly the Russian Federation), A. V. Naumov (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), E. A. Livadny (Government Corporation “Rostechnology”), A. A. Zdunov (Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan), V. V. Turenko (The St. Petersburg Chamber of Patent Attorneys), L. V. Butenko (“Intellectual Property Agency “Butenko and Partners”” LLC), A. P. Agureev (“Souzpatent” LLC).
The report of A. Czajkowski, the representative of WIPO, was received with the highest interest, as well as the reports from foreign patent offices: S. Yamamoto (Japan Patent Office), N. Clark (European Patent Office), E. Kossonaku (European Patent Office).
The Roundtables were held within the sections where were discussed the issues related to the subject of the sections. Officers of Rospatent system gave explanations to the participants who were interested in those issues. A number of proposals were elaborated according to the results of the work of the sections and the Roundtables and it will be reflected in the final document.
In addition to the reports and presentations an active exchange of information and ideas was held at the conference informally.
The main feature of the Conference was that it was devoted to the priority task of the state innovation policy - the development of national innovation system.
Governmental organizations and other participants in their reports and presentations highlighted the importance of intellectual property protection in the formation of globally competitive national innovation system and the need for further improvement of legislation in the sphere of intellectual property protection, use and assignment of the results of the science and technology activity.
A large number of participants, a broad representation of regions of the Russian Federation, the participation of international organizations and representatives of foreign countries, the interest that showed the participants to the reports, active participation in discussions have illustrated the importance and relevance of this Conference.
The useful information support to the Conference was given by mass media, in particular, by the magazines “Patents and Licenses” and “Intellectual Property”.
Organizing Committee