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/ / International Scientific and Practical Conference «2 Days of Patent Analytics» / International Scientific and Practical Conference «2 Days of Patent Analytics»
International Scientific and Practical Conference «2 Days of Patent Analytics»
27 September 2022


On 28•30 September 2022 the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS) holds the Scientific and Practical Conference “2 days of patent analytics”.

The event focuses on current approaches, practices, methods and needs of technology management in a broad context and for all management levels.

This year the Conference focuses on the use of patent analytics for the purposes of ensuring technological sovereignty of Russia:

  • Move to a more advancing model of development

  • Import substitution

  • Transfer of technologies

  • Building new supply chains and other important challenges

Representatives of leading Russian companies, government authorities, development institutes responsible for state policy in the sphere of scientific and technological development of Russia were invited to participate as speakers.

The Conference will host a youth training on patent analytics for Russian university students from 28 to 30 September.

The main program of the Conference will be hold on 30 September, where the new promising products of patent analytics developed by FIPS Project office for the benefit of state, regions and business will be shown. Leading Russian companies will present the results of the application of patent analytics in their activities.

After the sessions there will be an open presentation of student team projects on the results of the development of patent landscaping within the youth program of the Conference.

The conference will conclude with the cocktail evening ‘Rethinking patent analytics through classical music’.