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Triumph of Russian inventors at the International Innovation and Invention Expo in USA
16 August 2021

AII American DAVINCI International Innovation and Invention Expo was held in Cedar City, USA on 11-13 August 2021. The exhibition was organized by Southern Utah University (SUU), the American Institute for Innovation and Invention and the International Alliance of Innovation and Invention Associations.

The International Innovation Club "Archimedes" has formed a joint exposition of Russian inventors and manufacturers of innovative products.

The international jury highly appreciated the projects presented at the exposition and awarded the highest awards - gold medals - to representatives of the following Russian universities: Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Moscow Polytechnic University, Don State Technical University and Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don).

We express our gratitude to the organizers of the event for their work and high professionalism. Congratulations to the Russian team of inventors with well-deserved awards!

Executive Directorate

International Innovation Club "Archimedes"