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Grigory Ivliev, Head of Rospatent - about increase in the number of inventions and tricks of well-known brands
3 June 2021

According to the Head of Rospatent Grigory Ivliev, by the end of 2020 - beginning of 2021 the growth of patent applications filed with the Office for Patent Applications will be revived.

In December the number of applications for registration of inventions increased by 61.14% compared with November 2020, in the first quarter of 2021 the number of applications increased by 26% compared with 2020, including an increase of the number of applications filed by research institutes and educational institutions by 38% over the first four months of 2021. For 2021 the Office was set a mission to reach the level of not less than 90% of applications for registration in electronic form. Now, 93% of applications for trademarks are filed in electronic form, just under - for inventions and industrial designs.

The smallest number of applications in electronic form is for computer programs, because it is a very complicated and voluminous product, but the Office is already accepting applications in 3D-technology. According to the Head of Rospatent, the Office is now ready for a full transition to electronic document management. Some manufacturing companies supply products of worse quality and cheaper composition to Russia than to the European countries, but they sell them under the same well-known trademarks and do not label them properly. The Head of Rospatent applied to the Chairman of the Supreme Court, Vyatcheslav Lebedev, to review and make more severe the registration of well-known brands.